"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some sort of blog post

It's been a while since I posted a decent blog so I might as well do one now while I'm bored.

Apparently we still live in the 1990's, since every time someone uses the phone the internet cuts out. We have Telstra Broadband which is supposed to eliminate this problem, yet it still refuses to work properly. We don't pay that little extra each month to have the internet constantly cut out so there's something very wrong with Broadband at the moment.

As if that wasn't enough, Now my MSN won't sign in because apparently my email address does not exist. It's been doing this on and off now for the past month or so and it really pisses me off.

*sigh* On a lighter note, EXAMS IN 2 WEEKS, which means EXAMS IN 2 WEEKS, which also means I am not very happy right now. I'm pretty confident in my ability to write art critiques and media analysis essays, I guess I'll do ok in LIterature but biology and maths is what worriies me, since I fail epically at them both. Maths hates me and I hate it. Biology, well, I was expecting it to be a little more... interesting. So far all we've done is work from a stupid workbook that presents its information in scrambled paragraphs that take an entire page to get to the point. Cellular structure and energy transfer is really not my thing. I can only try I guess.

I swear to the higher power that if my computer tells me that the "local area network cable 2 is unplugged" one more bloody time I am going to throw the computer at something. WHY?!?! WHY MUST TECHNOLOGY BE SO STUPID?!?!?!

Ok... Enough about pathetically riduculously stupid computers and other useless electronic items... Well... It's been so cold these last few days that I'm surprised the weiros aren't dead and frozen. I tried playing my bass this morning but my fingers were too frozen to move properly. The funny thing is that this weather came outta nowhere, I mean it was warm and sunny and then it just... rained... then got cold... and now I am really bored.

I'll write something else later when I'm not as bored. As odd as it sounds that I started writing this BECAUSE I was bored... Shut up. I hate you.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

When was the last time you swam in a lake?
Probably last summer, around January

If you could have anything right now, what would you want?

What's your relationship status?
Taken!! I wouldn't change that for the world.

When was the last time someone asked you your age?
No idea

How would you describe your day today?
Shit boring

If your life was a musical, what song would you sing when you woke up?
"Ugly In The Morning" by Faith No More-

"When the headache is gone, the sun is not. Forgot to turn the alarm... on.. ON! Doesn't matter how much you think, or the number of hairs in the sink, I did it to myself again. I know how piggy feels, he starves without missing a meal, it's getting clearer- DON'T LOOK AT ME, I'M UGLY IN THE MORNING!" Bahahaha

How were you feeling last night?
Incredibly tired.. God, I was tired.

Have you ever been on a train?
Plenty of times

Do you ever sing in the shower?
Nope, it's almost right in the middle of the house. I'm not that brave.

What's your all time favorite movie?
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

"Le hoo- se herrr.." :P

Are you hungry right now?
Nope. The pizza I had for dinner was oily, that puts me off food for a while.

What color eyes do you wish you had?
I'm fine with the eyes I have, but I wouldn't mind blue eyes

Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you?
Hmm, I imagine it would have happened. I don't take it to heart so I can't remember.

What was the last thing you drank?
Coffee :D

If you could fly, where would you go?
I'd fly over the Nullabor, take in the sights....

When was the last time you were angry?
Right now. My wireless internet is cutting out every 5 bloody seconds.

Do you think before you speak?
Not usually

When was the last time you were nervous?
Thursday, when I went to get my bass. I really did not want to end up on the wrong bus or get there late.

What do you wish you could be doing right now?
Talking in person with Sarah, somewhere warm

What's your worst subject in school?
Maths. Enough said.

Which song ALWAYS makes you cry?
The Rain Song

The last person you hugged tells you they wanna date you, you say...?
I would be confused since they are already dating me

Favorite kind of donut?
Cinnamon. Yea, I'm boring.

What color eyes does the last person you kissed have?
Dazzling blue, green in the right lighting conditions.

Where do you usually order pizza from?
I don't order pizza. Mum usually gets it from bloody Eagle Boys... -_-

How does a typical Saturday go for you?
Sit around doing shit all until Sunday

Have you ever been to New York City?
No, don't plan to. Everyone has bloated egos there.

Do you listen to any band/artist that NONE of your friends have heard about?
No, because I make sure they know EVERYTHING about my favourite artists. Lolz

Which rule does your school have that is ridiculously stupid?
Hmmm, I hate school uniforms. They are expensive and look stupid.

Who has the same middle name as you?

What do most people judge you for?
Probably a geeky nerd with problems. Really, I'm a boganistic rocker who hates homework and as far as I know, I have no problems.

Something embarrassing that happened to you today?
I didn't brush my lusciously sexy hair so it stuck up all day and made me look like an idiot

Have you ever ridden a horse?
I rode a pony at the Gidge show ages ago, when I was like 7

What is your favorite flavor of gum?

Does the Lion King make you cry?

Your best friend is going to be shot. Would you take a bullet for them?
Anything for me best mate

Are you afraid of catching Swine Flu?
Absolutely terrified. *sarcasm intended*

Pepsi vs Coke: Which do you like better?
Coke is waaay better

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here I sit, starining my neck because I'm sitting slouched over like a Cro Magnon about to discover fire- except that it wasn't Cro Magnons that discovered fire, and the chances of me achieving something through all this are slim to nil. It's been a while since my last post and seeing as though I really can't be bothered filling in on the details, I'll entertain you with this rhyme.

Here's a Llama, there's a Llama, and another little Llama
Funny Llama, fuzzy Llama, Llama, Llama, Duck.
Half a Llama, twice the Llama, not a Llama, Farmer, Llama
Llama in a car, alarm a Llama, Llama Duck.

That's all I ca remember. I'm pretty sure I've even managed to combine two of the verses there as well. Meh. On a brighter note, tomorrow is the day I get my new bass guitar. To make a correction on the model of guitar, it's actually an MB- 05EN, not an 08. It's still pretty much the same thing, I can't see any differences. Nonetheless, I am incredibly excited. I have the money and permission to go to pick it up after school, so I shall do it tomorrow. :D

Hmm.. Faith No More... Awesome...

Shit. I have pulled a muscle in my wrist. Gotta go, post another blog later. As in a few days from now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

^^ For those interested, this is the exact model of the bass I'm soon to complete purchasing. It's a Monterey MB-08EN acoustic-electric bass and damn good quality considering it's second hand. Brand new, these things cost at least $800- I got it for $400! It's a fine addition to my collection, next on the agenda is a new electric since the ol' Ashton is getting old now. If not that then at least some new strings, the ones I have now are lacking in low grumbly sound and instead making a twanging metallic noise, which is really not a good aound to have on stage. Speaking of which, a jam session is long overdue. I'll get around to gathering a few friends this week to organise a little jam session to see whether we have what it takes to form a band.. It's gonna be awesome.
Onto another topic, Leet World. Go to YouTube, type Leet World into the search and watch the series from episode 1. It's bloody hilarious! Watch out for "Player", the guy in the gas mask. He can't speak so uses text and voice-command things instead, and it's so funny. The show is basically a game show between terrorists and counter terrorists who have to live in a house together. It's filmed from the game Counter Strike and is the only time I would ever consider associating myself with the game (it's really nerdy, but this show makes up for that).
Basically, just watch the damn show.
Hmm, what else to talk about... Well I was going to upload some artwork here but the scanner I have won't work with my computer, which really sucks. I shall have to wait until I can find the appropriate software or maybe a new scanner, that is when I have money.
Ok so there's really nothing to talk about. I guess I'd better get going now.
Later dudes.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I apologise for my last post. It was rather, well, heat-of-the-moment, and as you can guess, I was pretty angry at that time. I'm one of those people who is easily bored, and the holidays did that for me. I ended up spending the last day on a wild adventure from my place to Midland and back, almost entirely without parental help (I'll get to that later). I caught a bus to Midland after thinking I had missed it since the bloody thing went right past me TWICE and didn't stop. Turns out my SmartRider card is empty, I shall have to put some money on it before I go and pay off the remainder of my bass. Anyway, I arrived at Midland and got off at the station so that I could familiarise myself with the area, discovered an ACTUAL music store in Midland (omfog), and payed some of my bass off. I proceeded back to the music store and spent an hour playing all the bass and drums they had, gawking over the Fenders and then muttering at the fact I had no money. I then wandered Midland Gate in search of a bloody shop that would let me get out $2 so that I could get home, and finally managed to get some cash out at Coles, of all places. Then the bus ride home, went to Mundaring and got off before realising I shouldn't have since the next bus to Wundowie was at 3:50 and it was around 1 when I got off. I wandered around for a bit, looked through shops, the arts centre, just to kill a bit of time. Then, feeling bored and edventurous, made my way to Mount Helena on foot. That's right, I walked to Mount Helena. As if that wasn't enough, I got bored of being there too so I walked down the track to Chidlow. By this time it was getting late and I was incredibly tired and footsore so I continued on through the back roads and met with Sarah, where I stayed and called Steve to please come and get me. In all it was a rather fun day, and I went to school the next day tired and very much in pain. Nonetheless, It was an adventure outside my boring comfort zone.

As for today and yesterday, boring. School becomesextremely stressful around this time of year and I'm starting to find all this fatigue to be very draining on my potential. I write this as I struggle to keep my eyes open so I'd better post and be gone.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why is life so stupid at this age

Ok, so now I am going to tackle a huge question that probably can be answered with a lot more simplicity. But however this answer turns out, it'll be valid to the extent of my experiences.

Actually this is going to be tricky considering my brother and his friend are high on sugar or something in the same room and they won't stop bloody laughing so I am bloody annoyed right now.

And it doesn't help that Mum has installed a fucking safety internet block shit piece of stupid fucking software that blocks pretty much everything that isn't Google related (I'm lucky to be able to blog right now).. I can't get onto MySpace, Facebook and a lot of my email content is either blocked or inaccessible. I swear to God that Mum is trying to intentionally kill my social life and turn me into a friendless zombie so that I become depressed and withdrawn like I was all the way through primary school. I haven't even gone for my L's yet and I've been 16 for about 4 months now. Apparently it's "too far to drive" and "too inconvenient", and every time I enquire they insist I need to study for the test.. I've been ready for the fucking test since late March. I imagine I should have my L's by about late May 2010, and I'll have my P's by the time I'm 25. Taking into account the fact my parents don't own a manual car, we're too poor to afford decent food let alone a small car for myself, and mum doesn't drive anywhere anyway (well, unless she's going to pick up a table from Fremantle at 8pm, that is INFINITELY more important than dropping me off at friends' houses or teaching me to drive). Basically, I'm not going to get my license for about 10 years. Ok, slight exagerration, more like three years. But still.

ANYWAY... Life sucks at the moment. Not so much for me, but a lot of people around me. Friendship issues (at THIS bloody age?), family issues (being treated like a little kid because mummy doesn't want little Johnny to grow up even though he's old enough to legally do a lot of adult things and almost old enough to move out of home, for godsake), school (exams coming up... homework... homework... homework... homework... homework... homework...)... Basically this is one of the toughest years of our lives. Though if you include all of the good times in between the crap, it's easily the best year for most of us. I mean, I've discovered that I actually am not a kid any more, wait.. is that a bad thing? My dad was doing way more things while he was younger than me than I ever get to do. If only I lived with him.. I hate not having my dad around. It sucks. I'm not a kid anymore. I need my dad around EVEN MORE than I did when I was a kid; whenever I go to visit him, when he's not stuck with my younger siblings, we go out and do some awesome stuff. Boy's stuff. But I only get to do that on average once a month, if I'm lucky. If I didn't have so many fucking brothers and sisters maybe I would be able to do stuff at home, and Mum wouldn't divert so much attention to my parasitic sisters, both aged under 4, who cry at the drop of a hat and scream at the drop of that same hat. Come to think of it, when the eldest isn't trying to destroy DVDs or learn percussion on the fridge and floor as loud as she can, and the youngest isn't scraping the floor with her walking thingo, they scream almost 70% of the time in between. That's harsh and doesn't make sense, but my point is... Their constant crying and the fact they draw most of mum's attention is REALLY wearing down on me. Ha, it must sound like I'm the toddler, craving mum's attention. I need the attention that is "if you have homework make sure you spend enough time on it" and "If you want to go for your L's then I can take you sometime this week" and "who's this friend that you mentioned, is he nice?"... Hell, I could even go for some chores around the house. Something to do. But then I refuse to clean mess that I had nothing to do with. I will force the one who made it to clean it with their tongue, then give them a paper towel and some Pine O Clean and tell them to clean it again. I don't even know what I was talking about any more. Oh yea... Parental attention. I don't really want to be smothered, but then I would like a bit of support. But meh, what are you gonna do.

So... Anyway... No bus service in this town on weekends... It sucks... Especially when driving a 40 minute round is a huge drama for parents... And I haven't got my L's yet...

SpongeBob SquarePants.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Random Quiz

I am more or less fascinated by these quizzes- the ones that people complete in the MySpace forum thingo. They fascinate me because I actually find them amusing, and it takes a lot to amuse me with simple words and phrases. So anyway, here it is.

Do you want a boyfriend / girlfriend?
I have a girlfriend, a very beautiful, brilliant one.

How many texts are in your inbox?
About 30

Have you ever kissed anyone in the past week?
*snif* No... *cries*

What can you say about the first girl on your top?
I love her.

What about first boy?
Douchebag. Lol, joking. You're pretty awesome Tom.

Would it hurt seeing someone make out with the last person you kissed?
It would hurt like a bitch. Fortunately it's not going to happen. :P

Your ex calls you to hang out what do you say?
Sorry, but you seem to have a problem with me... Why would you want to hang with me?

Last person you gave a hug to (not family)?
Sarah <3

What do you hear right now?
A water fountain and some guy on TV

Where's your phone right now?
To be honest, no idea. Most likely on my bed.

How are you feeling?
My neck hurts from being hunched over the keyboard all day... Other than that, quite alright.

Do you think anyone stalks you?
Only the RAC (inside joke)

You're trapped in a room with your ex for 3 days, what do you do?
Sit on my bed with my bass scowling and moping.

Have you seen anyone you knew and purposely avoided them?
Yea, sometimes it's easier to avoid people who love to have long conversations when you're busy.

Do you say sorry first?
I say it too often. :(

Think of the last time you were REALLY angry when was it?
Today. When my computer froze for no apparent reason.

Name something you are doing tonight?
I'll most likely fall asleep and stay that way 'til 10 tomorrow.

Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?
Sarah <3<3

Will tomorrow be better than today?
I bloody hope so.

What do you bite on more, your tongue, lip, or nails?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?

Is a best friend or ex pissing you off at the moment?
*sigh* yes.

Who are all of your texts from?
Pretty much all of them are from Sarah.

anybody on your top friends ever admitted to liking you?

Do you trust all your friends?
Most of them.

When is the next time you'll see the second person on your top?
On Thursday!!! Can't wait!

Do you think you've changed over the past year?
Most definitely

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
No... I look forward to it.

What kind of music annoys you most?
Emo, hip hop and rap.

Do you like peanut butter?
I go through phases... At the moment, no.

Who owns the last two cars you rode in?
Mum and Nick's Mum

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?
Yes, it makes me feel kinda weird... Unless they're RSL guys or from the Salvos. Very nice people. Keep up the excellent work!

Are you taller than your mom?
Almost. I'm taller than my dad :P

Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
Oh yes. Good butterflies.

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Sarah, also Nick.

Do you plan on moving out next year?

Where did your last hug take place?
School. It wasn't very nice because some fat loser chick pointed us out and screamed "Get a room!" Ugh.

Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month?
Yes. Loved every second of it.

Who's the last guy you spoke to?
Tom, on MSN.

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
Nick and Sarah, not really anyone else.

Is this year the best year of your life?
YES!!! I'm loving this year!

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy/girl?

Could you ever be friends again with someone that broke your heart?
I'm not that forgiving, my heart was broken pretty badly.

Are your eyes the same color as your mum's or dad's?
My eyes have two colours, both from my parents- green and brown. It's really weird, although some say it's fascinating.

Do you find guys/ girls with facial piercings attractive?
Not really... Depends.

Does the person you want most right now know that you want them?
I shall find out- hang on a sec.
Ok, she is. To be honest I didn't really WANT her, so to speak, at that point... It's mutual. I want her, but in a friendly kind of way.

Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone, and never made up?
Plenty of times.

Do you think age matters in relationships?
If it's a huge age difference, yes.

Have you ever taken a non-sexual shower with a member of the same sex?
What the hell? NO! Why would I take a shower with a dude?

How do you vent your anger?
Stress ball, angry music, playing angry music on my bass. Punching things. Cursing.

Would you be able to tell someone you love them, even if you didn’t feel it?
I wouldn't lie that badly.

Do you keep your relationship status to your self?
Nope. It's kinda difficult to.

Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with?
Depends what you mean by "thing".

Have you ever blocked someone on myspace?

What is the connection between the last person who called you?
She's my girlfriend.

Are you looking forward to anything?
Seeing my friends on Thursday.

Are your parents divorced?
Sadly, yes.

Are you drifting apart from someone?
I sure hope not

What were you doing at 10am?

What are you listening to at the moment?
I'm pretty sure I already answered a similar question

Who did you last recieve a myspace message from?

Who's your top friend?
Best friend= Nick

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
I wouldn't THINK of cheating.

Think of the last person who said I love you that wasnt family, what did you say?
I love you too... Something like that...

What type of day are you having?
A boring one.

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
No idea.

Are you in a good mood?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

DO IT!!!

Ok, now I am ordering you to click this link- it's a virus (NO IT'S NOT, you stupid person who can't take a joke).


It's my girlfriend's blog. Sarah, the amazing, wonderful, beautiful, brilliant girl who has the uncanny ability to form word pictures without really thinking, the ability to retain information with vivid accuracy, and the ability to be FUCKING AWESOME without any effort.

I am endorsing this site purely because it would be my pleasure, and I love doing things for my sweetheart.

So yea, click on the link and prepare to be taken on a wild trip through the depths of your soul, possibly even to Antarcitca. Who knows.


I am writing stuffs.

The last time I was on the computer my mum walked in and to her horror, it was 1am. So naturally she sent me to bed. Now I can only use the internet upon her approval which is very saddening considering I don't get to see my friends much and the internet is my only means of communication (that's free, bloody hell phones are expensive). So anyway. I hate computers. It took me HALF A BLOODY HOUR to get MSN up and running today, and it made me very angry. It doesn't help that a certain someone keeps using the reference "Romeo" whilst talking to my girlfriend, and the inplications are rather nasty, which makes me even madder. And the fact this somebody likes Edward Cullen beyond the point of obsession. And the fact I hate Edward Cullen. Not schoolyard bully hate, but Adolf Hitler hate. I despise this character. He sickens me. He has put some kind of trance over geeky girls across the world and made them fall in love with him- and HE'S NOT EVEN REAL. I will burn him at the stake, along with my computer- oh wait, apparently that doesn't work for vampires. How about I force him to listen to Led Zeppelin's album "Led Zeppelin II" Turned up really loud from begining to end (because vampires have such attuned hearing that they can hear all the imperfections in REAL music, thus forcing him to listen to one of the greatest albums of all time would ultimately kill him). I'm not too keen on dismantling an undead monster (dismantling.. stuff all the blood and gore. Just "dismantle" the vampire to kill him. Because, oh no, gore in the Twilight books would make 90% of its audience too scared to read on even though it's a BLOODY VAMPIRE SERIES). Anyhow, since I am aware of the fact he is fictional, I will not continue. I will instead talk about my favourite band ever- The Wiggles. Just Kidding.


One of the greatest rock bands of all time (I say "one of" because not everyone has the same tastes, and I actually do like the Beatles quite a lot, oh and the Who. Fierce contenders for the position on greatest rock band.), Led Zeppelin are simply awesome. Rather than playing the same thing over and over again as is the case with pretty much all modern bands, Zeppelin relied on their diversity to add zest to their style. Rock, blues, metal, folk/rock fusion, jazz, funk, reggae, ballad, alternative, latin, even a little country/50's rock... They played it all. And they did it well.
Stairway to Heaven, while their trademark song, can not be said to be their best. If you're not much of a fan, get a copy of Mothership. The first disc has all their best songs from their first few years whilst the second disc has most of their best songs from 1973 onwards (I say this because Houses of the Holy should not be on there, it's not a very good song by the band's standards, and All My Love would have been better if replaced with South Bound Saurez or Fool In The Rain from the same album)-- basically just listen to Mothership. Once you have a taste for their stuff, get Led Zeppelin II. Easily one of their two best albums besides IV/Zoso/sticks or whatever you want to call it since it had no official title.
I will stop now simply because this is boring me and I'm rambling (Ramble On- good song, first disc of Mothership).

Later dudes.
*exits room carrying a huge amp and a bass*

Thursday, April 16, 2009



While I'm here I'm going to bitch about racing car games that encourage bad driving. Need For Speed, for example, the game where hitting a reinforced lamp post at 200 mp/h will cause it to go flying into the air, the game where there are magical arrows ererywher, the game that ENCOURAGES dangerous driving as a FUN thing with no consequence. I mean, in real life you cannot pay to instantly get your car from the impound lot every time you are arrested flying through the streets at speeds no actual car could obtain. And there is no way in hell you could collide head on with a wall and BOUNCE OFF IT with as much damage to the car as what would happen if you dropped a rock the size of your head on it. In reality, YOU WOULD BE DEAD. They'd be literally scraping your remains from the pavement (because we all know it's not cool to wear seatbelts while racing). This sort of game gives kids the idea that when you're behind the wheel you are invincible. P platers have a higher death rate than ANY other age/ethnical/gender group on the road. If I recall correctly, those games are targeted at that age group. *sigh*. I could start on GTA and how it encourages violence (my little brother used to play it and thought that guns were cool for a while, and by cool I don't mean "heroic army man" cool like most boys think at some point in their childhood, but "gangsta kill random people" cool, which is very concerning.).
But I won't.

The End.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Warning for below post

As a precaution to the following blog, my kudos goes out to those few artists who can turn words into images... My girlfriend, for one. Cold Chisel's Jimmy Barnes, who has immortalised images of the Aussie life in his lyrics... Even to a degree, Pink Floyd, whose lyrics were pretty lame at most times but did create some vivid images in a few of their songs (Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb). The lyrics I am talking about in this next post refers to modern rap, hip hop, and even (sadly) some metal and rock bands who think that their lyrics have meaning. The bands who think that whingeing about the world will help to fix it. And also top 40 shit. Enjoy, please don't kill me.

To music...

Now, when people talk about music, the first thing 90% of the population thinks about is the lyrics... Nowadays, apparently how good a song is depends upon its lyrics. If the song is not "meaningful" (whatever the fuck that means) then it's not worth listening to. Modern bands seem more focused on the lyrics than playing their damn instruments, and this infuriates me.

Pink Floyd's song, Cluster One (from the album The Division Bell), starts off as a long fade-in of synth, a calm flowing river of emotion... The guitar comes swiftly in from the blurred sky and snatches you from the endless flow, pulling you higher and higher, as you watch the endless river become smaller and smaller... The darkness of the world around you is overwhelming, yet soothing, entrancing... The grand piano creeps into your attention and delivers a spine-tingling upward reach, from low to high, before delivering its slow melody, dancing in and out of the flying guitar... The soft drums come in to start a rythm, to rouse the soul from it's stupor... As the rythm and beat slowly increases, the river below still flowing, you a) realise I'm a crackpot and b) realise that THERE ARE NO VOCALS IN THIS SONG. Yet, it has attained perfection. It has taken the listener on a journey to the depths of their soul, to a place they never knew existed. Sure, you can't headbang to it, you can't dance to it... But it has delivered a stronger message than any huge egotistical (or not even that) band's lyrics ever will.

Led Zeppelin's song Bron-Yr-Aur (from the album Physical Graffiti), I credit for being a song that brings out intense emotion in me. It is nothing but an acoustic guitar with a bit of echo effect added to it, yet it takes a swirling trip through.. well, I don't really know. It's a love song; a song of tragedy; a song of yearning; a song without lyrics. Yes, another song that in today's age fails because there isn't some guy singing about how much the world sucks in it. It is really up to the listener what the song is about, the only one who knows what it truly is about is Jimmy Page, the one who wrote and played it. He expressed his emotion and it has been crystallized in eternity, in the souls of devoted Zeppelin fans such as myself. No meaningful lyrics. Just MUSIC.

Seriously, in MY opinion, any band who sings about fixing the world is doing NOTHING to ACTUALLY help the world. Music is a language, people. You can't fix the economy by playing loud music on wall street and holding up all the workers there. It just doesn't work. As much as I hate the system we use, the world NEEDS wall street until we can find a better way of managing our money. Playing music is not going to rouse our government into action to stop world hunger, war, fighting, whatever the shit. If politicians WANTED to help the nations under their control, they would have done so a long time ago. Music is not going to make them do anything. Sure, people will be able to relate to the singer's whingeing complaint about how much the world sucks, but essentially it ain't gonna do anything to help the world. AT ALL. *sigh*

Another thing about music nowadays is top 40 shit. All it is is what the audience wants to hear. No talent involved in making top 40 music. Just make a song that has repetitive lyrics about the same old thing (girls, love, love, girls, love, love etc), give it some trippy sound effects, make it sound "emotional" (today, adding a string section to ANY song makes it sound emotional) and you're away. But then, it doesn't even have to have emotion. "Shake It" by Metro Station *shudders* for instance, the only appeal of the song is that the guys who wrote it are metros and apparently (most) girls like that. Oh and it also has a strong beat, people like that too. Loud rythmic noise, no breaks in the sound (because that involves brain activity), and lotsa sound effects.

*sigh* Basically, my point is that people don't seem to appreciate music any more. Back in the days of the cavemen, music was made by instruments to make people feel good, and to express the way they felt. This continued to be the thing until around 1980, when music started to become boring and repetitive. Today, find a new band that DOESN'T have a song about how much their life sucks or how much the world sucks, and you're incredibly lucky. And I am well aware that bands such as AC/DC sang pretty much exclusively about women and getting wasted, and essentially all their songs sound the same, BUT THEY KNEW HOW TO PLAY!!! The riffs they came up with, you gotta admit while repetitive as all hell, had a degree of awesomeness to them. Modern bands have a thing for playing the same chord over and over, plastering it with lyrics and vocals to cover up the fact they can't play (Fall Out Boy for instance).

I will stop now for I am likely to die the next time anyone who reads this confronts me. It is likely that I have offended everyone. But back to the second and third paragraph, think about it. It's about the music, the way the sound makes you feel, the intricacy of such talented artists of sound. Not "good" lyrics and repetition. Sure, it makes many people feel good, and I am not saying songs should not have lyrics. I am simply saying that people today would rather listen to music that has "meaningful" lyrics and lots of loud noise and sound effects than anything... *sigh* I'll stop now.

I don't think I even proved my point, since I can't recall what it is anymore.


Awesomeness and freedom (and also Dora the f***ing explorer)

I am here today to talk about.... The backspace button on my keyboard. LOL. Not really.

Anyhow, yesterday I had the priveledge of going to Midland with my bestie and hanging out there. We spent the majority of the time window shopping, since everything was either stupid or too expensive. Anyhow, I managed to FINALLY get a copy of Faith No More's "King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime" album and "Led Zeppelin II", so now I have something DIFFERENT to listen to, at least until I learn every song on the album on my bass and get sick of them. Speaking of Bass... I went into Cashie's (don't even think about calling me a cheapo, there's some great stuff in Cashie's) and found THE MOST AWESOME ACOUSTIC BASS GUITAR EVER, which I promptly picked up and started playing. I did this for about ten minutes while my friend impatiently paced around waiting for me to stop, before we left to meet up with his mum. We ended up going back, and well.. I now have the thing on layby. Hahaha.

It's a Monterey( http://www.montereyguitars.com/home.html ) electric-acoustic (that is, it's acoustic with a sound box and lead plug for playing with an amp) and even comes with a hard case (BONUS!!!) so as you can imagine, I'm pretty hyped about it. Once I've paid it off, I will be... complete. Mwahaha. Now I just have to get my muso mates together and get a jam session started so we can try form a band- that would be sweet considering we all have a certain degree of experience and ability (by certain I mean a lot) so we'd function well as a band, at least I'm hoping so.

The only problem we will have is our influences- the guitarist and drummer that I have lined up are both very much into heavy metal and modern rock, namely Bullet For My Valentine and Dream Theater (to name a very few), whereas the keyboardist I have lined up is into a lot of older popular music and the same sort of rock that I like... Then there's me, the bassist, who has Floyd/Zeppelin fingers and loves the sound of hard blues and acoustic melodies that metal doesn't really seem to understand (Metallica did a cover of Zeppelin's song "Tangerine", which is ridiculous considering it's ACOUSTIC and they did it as an all electric... very sad.)... Anyway, enough about my griping.

The point is...

Stay out of my Ice Cream, it's not yours.

I'd better go before I spontaneously combust.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Sleep, coffee, Hoose and Rain

Yea... that's pretty much all I'll be rambling about this time. What little sleep I had last night isn't doing much to keep me awake, the coffees I have consumed aren't helping either. I must've slept in a bad position or something because I just feel so bloody sleepy... All this chocolate can't help either. I came down from my sugar high and crashed like a 747 full of fattys, so now I'm wishing I could just sleep... Why does not the FSM have mercy on my soul... WHY?!?!

Anywho, Hoose is awesome. Scroll to the bottom of my blog and you'll see a sweet pic of him. I laugh EVERY time I see it, I just can't help it. He's so funny.

And... rain. It's raining right now. Sweet, peaceful rain. Rain that is most likely going to stay until late October like it did last year, sadly enough. I hate the rain once it's been around that long. But stuill. Rain. Hoose. All good.

Byes people. I'm too weary to type any more.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am bored, bored outta my mind

Here I sit typing stuff into a blog because at this point in time i have nothing better to do. I spent the past hour looking at blank paper wanting to draw something and decided I wasn't really in the mood for drawing, so I moved on to playing my bass and ultimately failed at learning parts from The Lemon Song because it's too friggin' hard.

So now, here I sit.

I could go on about what I did today but that's not fun. My day was boring. Well, except for the invasion of Killer Cornflakes from outer space. And the fact I am tired and lethargic from the amount of chocolate I've consumed today.. seriously, no human was ever meant to eat so much chocolate in less than 24 hours. I'm gonna have a rather angry stomach for the next week if I keep up this diet, the one consisting solely of coffee and chocolate. Sounds good, but it isn't. I could go for some hot chips right now, or even a juicy steak. But I gotta settle on cold leftovers and bread (we got lotsa bread, also a lotta sausages which I REFUSE to eat). Sad, really.

It occurred to me today that I am also broke. I went to the shops and bought a bottle of lemonade and the bloody ATM was offline again, so I went to the counter and got out $20 and bought the drink... my balance is now below $10. Very concerning seeing as though I started March off with $400. Those new albums were well worth it though. Well worth it indeed.

Let's see, what else to talk about.. Well I am feeling very lonely right now due to the fact I haven't heard from my girlfriend since about 2 and it is now 7:30, so I'm kinda just killing time until I get to sleep. I would get an early night but with my sister's friend sleeping over IN THE NEXT ROOM it's gonna be difficult. Sigh.

Wow, the only decent song on my brother's motorbike game is a Faith No More number. I really wish the computer wasn't in the same room as the bloody playstation, it's rather... irritating...

So anyway.

You sneaky bugger, finding my hidden messages. You oughta be proud. Led Zeppelin Rules.

Gah. I will end this post before I kill myself from boredom. I am practically swimming in my tears of boredom right now. I tried looking for the moon so that I could look at it through my telescope but the bloody rock isn't out, at least not in a place where I can see it. Sigh. Now my brother is showing me a character in his game that supposedly looks like me, but I can't find the resemblance. I want to die, then resurrect myself when something exciting happens. Or sleep, I'll settle for that.

I am going to leave now. Bye people. Happy Birthday to everyone.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I can't believe I'm actually blogging

Wow... Here I am. Blogging. However, I hate using the term "Blog"... to quote Yahtzee, a "Blog" sounds like some creature that lives at the bottom of a lake and communicates with farts. I prefer to call them "Ramblings" since coming from me that's all they really are.

So anyways... Today is Easter, the time of chocolate for non-religious people like me, and a time to remember Jesus for doing something, I blieve he was crucified and resurrected or something. Foolish Jesus, coming down to help humanity. He should have known that we were unhelpable. Why else would God have given up on us? I mean, if God is real, then I can understand all the times he intervened and spoke with men. And when you think about it, God hasn't done anything drastic for centuries, so I reckon he has finally realised how fucked up humanity is and given up, moved on to bigger and better projects (like inventing a computer that actually works properly).

Aside from that, I like chocolate.

As for the holidays so far, they have been pretty boring. I've spent most of my time painting my room and listening to music.. MUSIC!!! Yay!!! Sadly I never thought I'd ever grow tired of the CD's I have until recently; I have listened to "Album of the Year", "Mothership", "Highway to Hell" and a few others so many tiems I can't bear to hear ANY of the songs on them again, at least not for a while.

My brother is playing "Fast and Furious" or some crap and it's really pissing me off.. I mean, cars don't bounce off lamp posts at 200mp/h, and they certainly don't have little rocket boosters inside them that make you go super fast. If you want to go fast, get a red car. EVERYBODY knows that red cars go faster. Anyway, he has been talking to the screen and telling me about money he finds and upgrades he gets and crap for the past HOUR now and it's really starting to wear down on me... Ugh...

I have so much to talk about but I'd rather not so GOODBYE and remember to heil Jebus. RAmen.