"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why is life so stupid at this age

Ok, so now I am going to tackle a huge question that probably can be answered with a lot more simplicity. But however this answer turns out, it'll be valid to the extent of my experiences.

Actually this is going to be tricky considering my brother and his friend are high on sugar or something in the same room and they won't stop bloody laughing so I am bloody annoyed right now.

And it doesn't help that Mum has installed a fucking safety internet block shit piece of stupid fucking software that blocks pretty much everything that isn't Google related (I'm lucky to be able to blog right now).. I can't get onto MySpace, Facebook and a lot of my email content is either blocked or inaccessible. I swear to God that Mum is trying to intentionally kill my social life and turn me into a friendless zombie so that I become depressed and withdrawn like I was all the way through primary school. I haven't even gone for my L's yet and I've been 16 for about 4 months now. Apparently it's "too far to drive" and "too inconvenient", and every time I enquire they insist I need to study for the test.. I've been ready for the fucking test since late March. I imagine I should have my L's by about late May 2010, and I'll have my P's by the time I'm 25. Taking into account the fact my parents don't own a manual car, we're too poor to afford decent food let alone a small car for myself, and mum doesn't drive anywhere anyway (well, unless she's going to pick up a table from Fremantle at 8pm, that is INFINITELY more important than dropping me off at friends' houses or teaching me to drive). Basically, I'm not going to get my license for about 10 years. Ok, slight exagerration, more like three years. But still.

ANYWAY... Life sucks at the moment. Not so much for me, but a lot of people around me. Friendship issues (at THIS bloody age?), family issues (being treated like a little kid because mummy doesn't want little Johnny to grow up even though he's old enough to legally do a lot of adult things and almost old enough to move out of home, for godsake), school (exams coming up... homework... homework... homework... homework... homework... homework...)... Basically this is one of the toughest years of our lives. Though if you include all of the good times in between the crap, it's easily the best year for most of us. I mean, I've discovered that I actually am not a kid any more, wait.. is that a bad thing? My dad was doing way more things while he was younger than me than I ever get to do. If only I lived with him.. I hate not having my dad around. It sucks. I'm not a kid anymore. I need my dad around EVEN MORE than I did when I was a kid; whenever I go to visit him, when he's not stuck with my younger siblings, we go out and do some awesome stuff. Boy's stuff. But I only get to do that on average once a month, if I'm lucky. If I didn't have so many fucking brothers and sisters maybe I would be able to do stuff at home, and Mum wouldn't divert so much attention to my parasitic sisters, both aged under 4, who cry at the drop of a hat and scream at the drop of that same hat. Come to think of it, when the eldest isn't trying to destroy DVDs or learn percussion on the fridge and floor as loud as she can, and the youngest isn't scraping the floor with her walking thingo, they scream almost 70% of the time in between. That's harsh and doesn't make sense, but my point is... Their constant crying and the fact they draw most of mum's attention is REALLY wearing down on me. Ha, it must sound like I'm the toddler, craving mum's attention. I need the attention that is "if you have homework make sure you spend enough time on it" and "If you want to go for your L's then I can take you sometime this week" and "who's this friend that you mentioned, is he nice?"... Hell, I could even go for some chores around the house. Something to do. But then I refuse to clean mess that I had nothing to do with. I will force the one who made it to clean it with their tongue, then give them a paper towel and some Pine O Clean and tell them to clean it again. I don't even know what I was talking about any more. Oh yea... Parental attention. I don't really want to be smothered, but then I would like a bit of support. But meh, what are you gonna do.

So... Anyway... No bus service in this town on weekends... It sucks... Especially when driving a 40 minute round is a huge drama for parents... And I haven't got my L's yet...

SpongeBob SquarePants.


1 comment:

  1. Ah... yeah... My equivalent of that is:
    Parents work non stop. Never drive me anywhere. Can't get my L's until 3rd of freaking November. Seven weeks till exams. 6 TEE subjects. Homework. Homework. Homework. Work. Work. Homework. Housework. Work. Housework. Housework. Screaming, fighting brothers. Playstation/DS/Wii/Internet games making noise CONSTANTLY... sheesh... teenage angst is wearing thin.
