"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some sort of blog post

It's been a while since I posted a decent blog so I might as well do one now while I'm bored.

Apparently we still live in the 1990's, since every time someone uses the phone the internet cuts out. We have Telstra Broadband which is supposed to eliminate this problem, yet it still refuses to work properly. We don't pay that little extra each month to have the internet constantly cut out so there's something very wrong with Broadband at the moment.

As if that wasn't enough, Now my MSN won't sign in because apparently my email address does not exist. It's been doing this on and off now for the past month or so and it really pisses me off.

*sigh* On a lighter note, EXAMS IN 2 WEEKS, which means EXAMS IN 2 WEEKS, which also means I am not very happy right now. I'm pretty confident in my ability to write art critiques and media analysis essays, I guess I'll do ok in LIterature but biology and maths is what worriies me, since I fail epically at them both. Maths hates me and I hate it. Biology, well, I was expecting it to be a little more... interesting. So far all we've done is work from a stupid workbook that presents its information in scrambled paragraphs that take an entire page to get to the point. Cellular structure and energy transfer is really not my thing. I can only try I guess.

I swear to the higher power that if my computer tells me that the "local area network cable 2 is unplugged" one more bloody time I am going to throw the computer at something. WHY?!?! WHY MUST TECHNOLOGY BE SO STUPID?!?!?!

Ok... Enough about pathetically riduculously stupid computers and other useless electronic items... Well... It's been so cold these last few days that I'm surprised the weiros aren't dead and frozen. I tried playing my bass this morning but my fingers were too frozen to move properly. The funny thing is that this weather came outta nowhere, I mean it was warm and sunny and then it just... rained... then got cold... and now I am really bored.

I'll write something else later when I'm not as bored. As odd as it sounds that I started writing this BECAUSE I was bored... Shut up. I hate you.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

When was the last time you swam in a lake?
Probably last summer, around January

If you could have anything right now, what would you want?

What's your relationship status?
Taken!! I wouldn't change that for the world.

When was the last time someone asked you your age?
No idea

How would you describe your day today?
Shit boring

If your life was a musical, what song would you sing when you woke up?
"Ugly In The Morning" by Faith No More-

"When the headache is gone, the sun is not. Forgot to turn the alarm... on.. ON! Doesn't matter how much you think, or the number of hairs in the sink, I did it to myself again. I know how piggy feels, he starves without missing a meal, it's getting clearer- DON'T LOOK AT ME, I'M UGLY IN THE MORNING!" Bahahaha

How were you feeling last night?
Incredibly tired.. God, I was tired.

Have you ever been on a train?
Plenty of times

Do you ever sing in the shower?
Nope, it's almost right in the middle of the house. I'm not that brave.

What's your all time favorite movie?
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

"Le hoo- se herrr.." :P

Are you hungry right now?
Nope. The pizza I had for dinner was oily, that puts me off food for a while.

What color eyes do you wish you had?
I'm fine with the eyes I have, but I wouldn't mind blue eyes

Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you?
Hmm, I imagine it would have happened. I don't take it to heart so I can't remember.

What was the last thing you drank?
Coffee :D

If you could fly, where would you go?
I'd fly over the Nullabor, take in the sights....

When was the last time you were angry?
Right now. My wireless internet is cutting out every 5 bloody seconds.

Do you think before you speak?
Not usually

When was the last time you were nervous?
Thursday, when I went to get my bass. I really did not want to end up on the wrong bus or get there late.

What do you wish you could be doing right now?
Talking in person with Sarah, somewhere warm

What's your worst subject in school?
Maths. Enough said.

Which song ALWAYS makes you cry?
The Rain Song

The last person you hugged tells you they wanna date you, you say...?
I would be confused since they are already dating me

Favorite kind of donut?
Cinnamon. Yea, I'm boring.

What color eyes does the last person you kissed have?
Dazzling blue, green in the right lighting conditions.

Where do you usually order pizza from?
I don't order pizza. Mum usually gets it from bloody Eagle Boys... -_-

How does a typical Saturday go for you?
Sit around doing shit all until Sunday

Have you ever been to New York City?
No, don't plan to. Everyone has bloated egos there.

Do you listen to any band/artist that NONE of your friends have heard about?
No, because I make sure they know EVERYTHING about my favourite artists. Lolz

Which rule does your school have that is ridiculously stupid?
Hmmm, I hate school uniforms. They are expensive and look stupid.

Who has the same middle name as you?

What do most people judge you for?
Probably a geeky nerd with problems. Really, I'm a boganistic rocker who hates homework and as far as I know, I have no problems.

Something embarrassing that happened to you today?
I didn't brush my lusciously sexy hair so it stuck up all day and made me look like an idiot

Have you ever ridden a horse?
I rode a pony at the Gidge show ages ago, when I was like 7

What is your favorite flavor of gum?

Does the Lion King make you cry?

Your best friend is going to be shot. Would you take a bullet for them?
Anything for me best mate

Are you afraid of catching Swine Flu?
Absolutely terrified. *sarcasm intended*

Pepsi vs Coke: Which do you like better?
Coke is waaay better

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here I sit, starining my neck because I'm sitting slouched over like a Cro Magnon about to discover fire- except that it wasn't Cro Magnons that discovered fire, and the chances of me achieving something through all this are slim to nil. It's been a while since my last post and seeing as though I really can't be bothered filling in on the details, I'll entertain you with this rhyme.

Here's a Llama, there's a Llama, and another little Llama
Funny Llama, fuzzy Llama, Llama, Llama, Duck.
Half a Llama, twice the Llama, not a Llama, Farmer, Llama
Llama in a car, alarm a Llama, Llama Duck.

That's all I ca remember. I'm pretty sure I've even managed to combine two of the verses there as well. Meh. On a brighter note, tomorrow is the day I get my new bass guitar. To make a correction on the model of guitar, it's actually an MB- 05EN, not an 08. It's still pretty much the same thing, I can't see any differences. Nonetheless, I am incredibly excited. I have the money and permission to go to pick it up after school, so I shall do it tomorrow. :D

Hmm.. Faith No More... Awesome...

Shit. I have pulled a muscle in my wrist. Gotta go, post another blog later. As in a few days from now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

^^ For those interested, this is the exact model of the bass I'm soon to complete purchasing. It's a Monterey MB-08EN acoustic-electric bass and damn good quality considering it's second hand. Brand new, these things cost at least $800- I got it for $400! It's a fine addition to my collection, next on the agenda is a new electric since the ol' Ashton is getting old now. If not that then at least some new strings, the ones I have now are lacking in low grumbly sound and instead making a twanging metallic noise, which is really not a good aound to have on stage. Speaking of which, a jam session is long overdue. I'll get around to gathering a few friends this week to organise a little jam session to see whether we have what it takes to form a band.. It's gonna be awesome.
Onto another topic, Leet World. Go to YouTube, type Leet World into the search and watch the series from episode 1. It's bloody hilarious! Watch out for "Player", the guy in the gas mask. He can't speak so uses text and voice-command things instead, and it's so funny. The show is basically a game show between terrorists and counter terrorists who have to live in a house together. It's filmed from the game Counter Strike and is the only time I would ever consider associating myself with the game (it's really nerdy, but this show makes up for that).
Basically, just watch the damn show.
Hmm, what else to talk about... Well I was going to upload some artwork here but the scanner I have won't work with my computer, which really sucks. I shall have to wait until I can find the appropriate software or maybe a new scanner, that is when I have money.
Ok so there's really nothing to talk about. I guess I'd better get going now.
Later dudes.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I apologise for my last post. It was rather, well, heat-of-the-moment, and as you can guess, I was pretty angry at that time. I'm one of those people who is easily bored, and the holidays did that for me. I ended up spending the last day on a wild adventure from my place to Midland and back, almost entirely without parental help (I'll get to that later). I caught a bus to Midland after thinking I had missed it since the bloody thing went right past me TWICE and didn't stop. Turns out my SmartRider card is empty, I shall have to put some money on it before I go and pay off the remainder of my bass. Anyway, I arrived at Midland and got off at the station so that I could familiarise myself with the area, discovered an ACTUAL music store in Midland (omfog), and payed some of my bass off. I proceeded back to the music store and spent an hour playing all the bass and drums they had, gawking over the Fenders and then muttering at the fact I had no money. I then wandered Midland Gate in search of a bloody shop that would let me get out $2 so that I could get home, and finally managed to get some cash out at Coles, of all places. Then the bus ride home, went to Mundaring and got off before realising I shouldn't have since the next bus to Wundowie was at 3:50 and it was around 1 when I got off. I wandered around for a bit, looked through shops, the arts centre, just to kill a bit of time. Then, feeling bored and edventurous, made my way to Mount Helena on foot. That's right, I walked to Mount Helena. As if that wasn't enough, I got bored of being there too so I walked down the track to Chidlow. By this time it was getting late and I was incredibly tired and footsore so I continued on through the back roads and met with Sarah, where I stayed and called Steve to please come and get me. In all it was a rather fun day, and I went to school the next day tired and very much in pain. Nonetheless, It was an adventure outside my boring comfort zone.

As for today and yesterday, boring. School becomesextremely stressful around this time of year and I'm starting to find all this fatigue to be very draining on my potential. I write this as I struggle to keep my eyes open so I'd better post and be gone.
