"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Awesomeness and freedom (and also Dora the f***ing explorer)

I am here today to talk about.... The backspace button on my keyboard. LOL. Not really.

Anyhow, yesterday I had the priveledge of going to Midland with my bestie and hanging out there. We spent the majority of the time window shopping, since everything was either stupid or too expensive. Anyhow, I managed to FINALLY get a copy of Faith No More's "King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime" album and "Led Zeppelin II", so now I have something DIFFERENT to listen to, at least until I learn every song on the album on my bass and get sick of them. Speaking of Bass... I went into Cashie's (don't even think about calling me a cheapo, there's some great stuff in Cashie's) and found THE MOST AWESOME ACOUSTIC BASS GUITAR EVER, which I promptly picked up and started playing. I did this for about ten minutes while my friend impatiently paced around waiting for me to stop, before we left to meet up with his mum. We ended up going back, and well.. I now have the thing on layby. Hahaha.

It's a Monterey( http://www.montereyguitars.com/home.html ) electric-acoustic (that is, it's acoustic with a sound box and lead plug for playing with an amp) and even comes with a hard case (BONUS!!!) so as you can imagine, I'm pretty hyped about it. Once I've paid it off, I will be... complete. Mwahaha. Now I just have to get my muso mates together and get a jam session started so we can try form a band- that would be sweet considering we all have a certain degree of experience and ability (by certain I mean a lot) so we'd function well as a band, at least I'm hoping so.

The only problem we will have is our influences- the guitarist and drummer that I have lined up are both very much into heavy metal and modern rock, namely Bullet For My Valentine and Dream Theater (to name a very few), whereas the keyboardist I have lined up is into a lot of older popular music and the same sort of rock that I like... Then there's me, the bassist, who has Floyd/Zeppelin fingers and loves the sound of hard blues and acoustic melodies that metal doesn't really seem to understand (Metallica did a cover of Zeppelin's song "Tangerine", which is ridiculous considering it's ACOUSTIC and they did it as an all electric... very sad.)... Anyway, enough about my griping.

The point is...

Stay out of my Ice Cream, it's not yours.

I'd better go before I spontaneously combust.


1 comment:

  1. *solemn nod* Spontaneous combustion will be the end of us all
