"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am bored, bored outta my mind

Here I sit typing stuff into a blog because at this point in time i have nothing better to do. I spent the past hour looking at blank paper wanting to draw something and decided I wasn't really in the mood for drawing, so I moved on to playing my bass and ultimately failed at learning parts from The Lemon Song because it's too friggin' hard.

So now, here I sit.

I could go on about what I did today but that's not fun. My day was boring. Well, except for the invasion of Killer Cornflakes from outer space. And the fact I am tired and lethargic from the amount of chocolate I've consumed today.. seriously, no human was ever meant to eat so much chocolate in less than 24 hours. I'm gonna have a rather angry stomach for the next week if I keep up this diet, the one consisting solely of coffee and chocolate. Sounds good, but it isn't. I could go for some hot chips right now, or even a juicy steak. But I gotta settle on cold leftovers and bread (we got lotsa bread, also a lotta sausages which I REFUSE to eat). Sad, really.

It occurred to me today that I am also broke. I went to the shops and bought a bottle of lemonade and the bloody ATM was offline again, so I went to the counter and got out $20 and bought the drink... my balance is now below $10. Very concerning seeing as though I started March off with $400. Those new albums were well worth it though. Well worth it indeed.

Let's see, what else to talk about.. Well I am feeling very lonely right now due to the fact I haven't heard from my girlfriend since about 2 and it is now 7:30, so I'm kinda just killing time until I get to sleep. I would get an early night but with my sister's friend sleeping over IN THE NEXT ROOM it's gonna be difficult. Sigh.

Wow, the only decent song on my brother's motorbike game is a Faith No More number. I really wish the computer wasn't in the same room as the bloody playstation, it's rather... irritating...

So anyway.

You sneaky bugger, finding my hidden messages. You oughta be proud. Led Zeppelin Rules.

Gah. I will end this post before I kill myself from boredom. I am practically swimming in my tears of boredom right now. I tried looking for the moon so that I could look at it through my telescope but the bloody rock isn't out, at least not in a place where I can see it. Sigh. Now my brother is showing me a character in his game that supposedly looks like me, but I can't find the resemblance. I want to die, then resurrect myself when something exciting happens. Or sleep, I'll settle for that.

I am going to leave now. Bye people. Happy Birthday to everyone.