"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I can't believe I'm actually blogging

Wow... Here I am. Blogging. However, I hate using the term "Blog"... to quote Yahtzee, a "Blog" sounds like some creature that lives at the bottom of a lake and communicates with farts. I prefer to call them "Ramblings" since coming from me that's all they really are.

So anyways... Today is Easter, the time of chocolate for non-religious people like me, and a time to remember Jesus for doing something, I blieve he was crucified and resurrected or something. Foolish Jesus, coming down to help humanity. He should have known that we were unhelpable. Why else would God have given up on us? I mean, if God is real, then I can understand all the times he intervened and spoke with men. And when you think about it, God hasn't done anything drastic for centuries, so I reckon he has finally realised how fucked up humanity is and given up, moved on to bigger and better projects (like inventing a computer that actually works properly).

Aside from that, I like chocolate.

As for the holidays so far, they have been pretty boring. I've spent most of my time painting my room and listening to music.. MUSIC!!! Yay!!! Sadly I never thought I'd ever grow tired of the CD's I have until recently; I have listened to "Album of the Year", "Mothership", "Highway to Hell" and a few others so many tiems I can't bear to hear ANY of the songs on them again, at least not for a while.

My brother is playing "Fast and Furious" or some crap and it's really pissing me off.. I mean, cars don't bounce off lamp posts at 200mp/h, and they certainly don't have little rocket boosters inside them that make you go super fast. If you want to go fast, get a red car. EVERYBODY knows that red cars go faster. Anyway, he has been talking to the screen and telling me about money he finds and upgrades he gets and crap for the past HOUR now and it's really starting to wear down on me... Ugh...

I have so much to talk about but I'd rather not so GOODBYE and remember to heil Jebus. RAmen.

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