"I gotta Ramble On, Now's the time, the time is now... to sing my song..."

This is basically my blog, where I bitch about stuff, take random quizzes, and give my opinion on stuff that nobody really cares about anyway. Please visit my Visual Arts page at http://mycallinginlife.blogspot.com/ if you get time, and tell me what you think.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I am writing stuffs.

The last time I was on the computer my mum walked in and to her horror, it was 1am. So naturally she sent me to bed. Now I can only use the internet upon her approval which is very saddening considering I don't get to see my friends much and the internet is my only means of communication (that's free, bloody hell phones are expensive). So anyway. I hate computers. It took me HALF A BLOODY HOUR to get MSN up and running today, and it made me very angry. It doesn't help that a certain someone keeps using the reference "Romeo" whilst talking to my girlfriend, and the inplications are rather nasty, which makes me even madder. And the fact this somebody likes Edward Cullen beyond the point of obsession. And the fact I hate Edward Cullen. Not schoolyard bully hate, but Adolf Hitler hate. I despise this character. He sickens me. He has put some kind of trance over geeky girls across the world and made them fall in love with him- and HE'S NOT EVEN REAL. I will burn him at the stake, along with my computer- oh wait, apparently that doesn't work for vampires. How about I force him to listen to Led Zeppelin's album "Led Zeppelin II" Turned up really loud from begining to end (because vampires have such attuned hearing that they can hear all the imperfections in REAL music, thus forcing him to listen to one of the greatest albums of all time would ultimately kill him). I'm not too keen on dismantling an undead monster (dismantling.. stuff all the blood and gore. Just "dismantle" the vampire to kill him. Because, oh no, gore in the Twilight books would make 90% of its audience too scared to read on even though it's a BLOODY VAMPIRE SERIES). Anyhow, since I am aware of the fact he is fictional, I will not continue. I will instead talk about my favourite band ever- The Wiggles. Just Kidding.


One of the greatest rock bands of all time (I say "one of" because not everyone has the same tastes, and I actually do like the Beatles quite a lot, oh and the Who. Fierce contenders for the position on greatest rock band.), Led Zeppelin are simply awesome. Rather than playing the same thing over and over again as is the case with pretty much all modern bands, Zeppelin relied on their diversity to add zest to their style. Rock, blues, metal, folk/rock fusion, jazz, funk, reggae, ballad, alternative, latin, even a little country/50's rock... They played it all. And they did it well.
Stairway to Heaven, while their trademark song, can not be said to be their best. If you're not much of a fan, get a copy of Mothership. The first disc has all their best songs from their first few years whilst the second disc has most of their best songs from 1973 onwards (I say this because Houses of the Holy should not be on there, it's not a very good song by the band's standards, and All My Love would have been better if replaced with South Bound Saurez or Fool In The Rain from the same album)-- basically just listen to Mothership. Once you have a taste for their stuff, get Led Zeppelin II. Easily one of their two best albums besides IV/Zoso/sticks or whatever you want to call it since it had no official title.
I will stop now simply because this is boring me and I'm rambling (Ramble On- good song, first disc of Mothership).

Later dudes.
*exits room carrying a huge amp and a bass*

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